Building the solarlynk

The SolarLynk is the FreeLynk user's connection to the internet. It uses its long range PTMP antenna on top to broadcast and receive internet connection. The attached access point creates the WiFi network for users to see and interact with. It's solar panel and battery allow it to run rain or shine.

Flat mount

pole mount

Wall mount

Building the flat roof method SolarLynk is preferred to us due to the lack of drilling you'd need to do to secure this to where it sits. A few simple cinder blocks around the base allows this mount to stand up to hurricane weather.

The pole mounted SolarLynk is mostly used by either burying the bottom into the ground or on pitched roof tops. Can be built so the telescopic bridge pole can be extended to reach greater heights than the other mounts.

The "J" or "wall" mounted SolarLynk is built onto the same kind of satellite dish mounts that are found in every neighborhood. These are amazing because the mounts are often discarded as trash. They can be recycled and re-purposed virtually for free.

The process of building all three versions is nearly the same. We'll go through each one to give you a firm grasp on how to create these with the materials you have. This way you can create more as inexpensively as possible.