a hybrid network is the key
Combining PTMP and mesh networks
By using the latest equipment in WiFi, mesh and point to multi-point radio technology, we can create much larger WiFi hot-spots than ever before. When butt up next to each other we can create a zero-lag hand off enabled, super massive, free WiFi bubble. With enough of these near each other you can create coverage across entire zip codes with less effort than ever before.
Deploying a central antenna in a population dense area can allow satellite devices to connect to it using PTMP radios. Those satellite or "bridge" radios will feed long range WiFi access points, which will in turn serve the users the free internet connection. All being controlled by either our central web server system or your custom solution.
powered by the sun
Going Solar
Going solar can mean the difference of making this entire project possible or not. By using solar panels combined with battery means the satellite devices that make the WiFi possible for the internet users can go without being plugged into anything at all. A totally self sufficient system that can run day or night, rain or shine. All you need to do is build it and point the main point to point radio on top towards your antenna, we'll go more into the details of that later.
Its possible to make this project happen without using solar panels, but that will require working with your environment to find an electrical outlets to run the satellite devices. Going forward we will be explaining how to create the network using only solar powered equipment. Trust us when we say, going solar makes it much easier. Using green energy like this is obvisouly benifical to our planet which is our favorite part!
a list of whats to come
From here it gets serious, we're about to dive deep into
- Access point setup
- System maintenance and updates
- Troubleshooting
- SolarLynk construction and deployment
- Web server creation and setup
- Main router setup
- Main switch setup
- Main Omni Antenna setup/mounting/programming
- Directional Antenna setup/mounting/programming
- Wireless bridge setup/mounting/programming